Creating a fleet
A "Fleet" is a collection of Game Servers running the same game build and configuration.
You can create one in the W4 Cloud dashboard by:
Going to Multiplayer -> Fleets
Clicking the "+ New Fleeet" button in the upper-right corner
Filling out the form!
Here's a quick run down of what the form fields mean:
- Name
The name of the fleet to help you keep them organized. Players won't see these names.
- Cluster
The cluster of physics servers the Fleet's Game Servers should run in.
- Build
The name of the game build to run on the Fleet's Game Servers.
- Port
The port that your game listens for connections on.
- Labels
Arbitrary key/value pairs which can be used to select which Game Server should get allocated for a lobby.
For example, if your Fleet has labels like:
{ "game-mode": "battle-royale" }
Then a lobby can be made to select Game Servers with this label by having lobby properties like:
{ "gameServerSelectors": [ { "matchLabels": { "game-mode": "battle-royale" } } ] }
- Min Replicas
The minimum number of Game Servers to keep ready.
- Max Replicas
The maximum number of Game Servers to keep ready.
- Buffer Size
How many extra Game Servers to keep ready beyond the ones already allocated.
- Autoscaling Interval
How often (in seconds) to count the number of Game Servers and launch or shutdown some according to the rules above.
Monitoring your Fleets
TODO: show how to keep an eye on your fleets and game servers in the dashboard