Lobby basics
A lobby represents a collection of players who are in (or about to be in) a match together.
Creating a lobby
After authenticating the player, a new lobby can be created like this:
var result = await W4GD.matchmaker.create_lobby(
# You can use any properties for the lobby that make sense for your game!
"props": {
"game_mode": "battle-royale",
if result.is_error():
print("ERROR: ", result.message)
var lobby = result.get_data()
print("Created lobby with ID: ", lobby.id)
See res://addons/w4gd/matchmaker/matchmaker.gd:Lobby for all of a lobby's members and methods.
Joining a lobby
Another player can join the lobby using its ID:
var result = await W4GD.matchmaker.join_lobby('xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx').async()
if result.is_error():
print("ERROR: ", result.message)
var lobby = result.get_data()
print("Join lobby with ID: ", lobby.id)
print("Players in this lobby:")
for player_id in lobby.get_players():
print(" - ", player_id)
Lobby IDs are UUIDs, usually represented by 36 characters strings, which may be longer than players are willing to type.
So, you may want to consider implementing either:
An invitation system where players invite their friends, and the UUIDs are transferred behind the scenes (such that players never see them), or
A lobby "short name" system, where there is a lookup table connecting the UUIDs to shorter and more human friendly names.
Either of these could easily be implemented in the database using W4RM.
Updating or deleting a lobby
The player that created the lobby can freely update or delete the lobby until it is "sealed":
lobby.props['game_mode'] = 'deathmatch'
var result = await lobby.save()
if result.is_error():
print("ERROR: ", result.message)
Here's how you can delete a lobby:
func delete_lobby_by_id(lobby_id: String):
var lobby_data = await W4GD.matchmaker.get_lobby(lobby_id, false).async()
var lobby = lobby_data.get_data()
await lobby.delete().async()
Other players can connect to signals on the lobby to be notified when it's been updated or deleted:
Lobby states
A lobby can exist in one of four states:
The first 3 can be used in any way that makes sense for your game.
However, once a lobby enters the SEALED
Players can no longer join or leave the lobby.
The lobby can no longer be updated or deleted.
The player that created the lobby can update its state:
# Let's set the lobby status to SEALED so the match can start!
lobby.state = W4GD.matchmaker.LobbyState.SEALED
var result = await lobby.save()
if result.is_error():
print("ERROR: ", result.message)
Listing the players in a lobby
Players in a lobby can see a list of the other players:
for user_id in lobby.get_players():
print("User ID: ", user_id)
This list should be automatically updated when first joining a lobby and as other players join or leave. However, you can also manually request that it be refreshed:
var result = await lobby.refresh_player_list()
if result.is_error():
print("ERROR: ", result.message)
var player_list = result.get_data()
Players are identified by their user ID, which like lobby ID's, is a UUID represented as a 36 character string.
If you'd like to show human-readable user names or pictures, this can be easily implemented in the database using W4RM.