Lobby basics

A lobby represents a collection of players who are in (or about to be in) a match together.

Creating a lobby

After authenticating the player, a new lobby can be created like this:

var result = await W4GD.matchmaker.create_lobby(
        # You can use any properties for the lobby that make sense for your game!
        "props": {
            "game_mode": "battle-royale",

if result.is_error():
    print("ERROR: ", result.message)

var lobby = result.get_data()

print("Created lobby with ID: ", lobby.id)

See res://addons/w4gd/matchmaker/matchmaker.gd:Lobby for all of a lobby's members and methods.

Joining a lobby

Another player can join the lobby using its ID:

var result = await W4GD.matchmaker.join_lobby('xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx').async()

if result.is_error():
    print("ERROR: ", result.message)

var lobby = result.get_data()

print("Join lobby with ID: ", lobby.id)

print("Players in this lobby:")
for player_id in lobby.get_players():
    print(" - ", player_id)

Lobby IDs are UUIDs, usually represented by 36 characters strings, which may be longer than players are willing to type.

So, you may want to consider implementing either:

  1. An invitation system where players invite their friends, and the UUIDs are transferred behind the scenes (such that players never see them), or

  2. A lobby "short name" system, where there is a lookup table connecting the UUIDs to shorter and more human friendly names.

Either of these could easily be implemented in the database using W4RM.

See Example: User Profiles.

Updating or deleting a lobby

The player that created the lobby can freely update or delete the lobby until it is "sealed":

lobby.props['game_mode'] = 'deathmatch'

var result = await lobby.save()
if result.is_error():
    print("ERROR: ", result.message)

Here's how you can delete a lobby:

func delete_lobby_by_id(lobby_id: String):
    var lobby_data = await W4GD.matchmaker.get_lobby(lobby_id, false).async()
    var lobby = lobby_data.get_data()
    await lobby.delete().async()

Other players can connect to signals on the lobby to be notified when it's been updated or deleted:


Lobby states

A lobby can exist in one of four states:

  • NEW



  • DONE

The first 3 can be used in any way that makes sense for your game.

However, once a lobby enters the SEALED state:

  1. Players can no longer join or leave the lobby.

  2. The lobby can no longer be updated or deleted.

The player that created the lobby can update its state:

# Let's set the lobby status to SEALED so the match can start!
lobby.state = W4GD.matchmaker.LobbyState.SEALED

var result = await lobby.save()
if result.is_error():
    print("ERROR: ", result.message)

Listing the players in a lobby

Players in a lobby can see a list of the other players:

for user_id in lobby.get_players():
    print("User ID: ", user_id)

This list should be automatically updated when first joining a lobby and as other players join or leave. However, you can also manually request that it be refreshed:

var result = await lobby.refresh_player_list()
if result.is_error():
    print("ERROR: ", result.message)

var player_list = result.get_data()

Players are identified by their user ID, which like lobby ID's, is a UUID represented as a 36 character string.

If you'd like to show human-readable user names or pictures, this can be easily implemented in the database using W4RM.

See Example: Lobby Invitations or Codes.